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Summary of the latest Spigogroup wood décor and acoustic conditioning projects in 15 pictures

By Acoustics, Architecture, Construction, Decoration, News, Spigogroup wood projects No Comments
2016, which is now coming to an end, has been intense. We participated in many truly beautiful projects, wood décor and acoustic conditioning projects, both in Spain and abroad. We leave you with a brief picture summary of some of these projects. You will see acoustic panels, wood slats, pictures and acoustic islands, inner linings and other actions aimed at acoustic conditioning and beautification of some very different spaces. These are some of the latest Spigogroup wood décor and acoustic conditioning projects. . Nuestra Señora del Pino Student Resident (Madrid)         La Rioja Official Nursing Association .   . Cup Negret Hotel (Alicante) .   City Gates Church (Londres)         Auditorium of the Saudi Press Agency (Riyadh - Saudi Arabia )       Offices of Autodesk (Barcelona)       Equinoccio Shopping Centre (Madrid)       . If you liked this post about Spigogroup wood décor and acoustic conditioning projects, you may also be interested in: . - Definition of acoustic panels, acoustic ceilings and acoustic conditioning - 3 consequences of not carrying out a proper acoustic conditioning in an office - Acoustic conditioning in an assembly room - 12 books on acoustic conditioning, acoustic design and architectural acoustics that you mustn’t miss
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Christmas arrives at Spigogroup. Happy Holidays!

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Christmas does not go unnoticed. You're in your day-to-day life, your job, your personal routines and suddenly... Bam!, there it is again: Christmas. It is true that if we consider the business calendar, Christmas seems to start sooner every year. To be more precise, the Christmas campaign started the first week in November. In some shop windows Santa Clauses, reindeer and snowflakes coexisted with Halloween pumpkins, witches and vampires. Some go and others come. But Christmas really begins when, with the Christmas city lights already in place, you realize that the children are soon going on holiday, the Christmas lottery approaches and you know you are about to gather with relatives and friends whom you may have not seen for quite some time. Christmas is when you decide you have to take some days off from work to be with your family, and when you think about the gifts you will give yourself, or will it be that man with white whiskers? or the three Magi? Each one has their own Christmas but we all notice when it arrives. The Spigogroup team is doing its usual work, surrounded by architectural and decoration drawings, models of acoustic panels, and models of wood slats, purchase orders, preparing shipments, receiving material for the factory, to sum up, our daily tasks. But we have been noticing the approach of Christmas for some days now. You can tell from smiles directed at our colleagues, or at a wood panel or at the report we have on screen. It is the smile of these days, the smile of knowing that Christmas is here. The Spigogroup Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2017
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La Navidad llega a Spigogroup ¡Felices Fiestas!

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La Navidad no pasa desapercibida. Tú estás a tu día a día, con tu trabajo, tus rutinas personales y de repente… ¡zas!, ahí está de nuevo: la Navidad. Es cierto que si atendemos al calendario comercial la Navidad cada vez comienza antes. Para ser más exactos la campaña navideña arrancó la primera semana de noviembre. En algunos escaparates convivieron durante algunos minutos papanoeles, renos y copos de nieve con calabazas, brujas y vampiros de Halloween. Unos van y otros vienen. Pero la Navidad de verdad comienza cuando, ya con las luces navideñas de la ciudad en marcha, te das cuenta que los niños están a punto de cogerse las vacaciones de estas fechas, cuando acecha el sorteo de la lotería y sabes que en unos días te reunirás de nuevo con familiares y amigos que, quizás, hace mucho que no ves. Es Navidad cuando decides qué días te tomarás de descanso en el trabajo para estar con los tuyos, y cuando piensas en los regalos que entregarás tu mismo ¿o será el de las barbas blancas? ¿o los tres magos?. Cada uno tiene su propia Navidad pero todos notamos cuándo llega. El equipo de Spigogroup anda con su trabajo habitual, liados entre planos de proyectos de arquitectura y decoración, modelos de paneles acústicos y lamas de madera, órdenes de pedidos, preparativos para envíos, recibiendo material para la fábrica, en fin, nuestras tareas cotidianas. Pero ya hace días que percibimos que ya está aquí la Navidad. Nos delata una sonrisa, a veces al compañero, y otras al panel de madera, informe o pantalla que tenemos delante. Es la sonrisa de estos días, la sonrisa de saber que ya está aquí la Navidad. . . El Equipo de Spigogroup te desea una Feliz Navidad y un próspero año 2017 . . .
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The 200th post of the Spigogroup wood decoration, acoustics and architecture blog

By Acoustics, Architecture, Decoration, News, Spigogroup wood projects No Comments
We are celebrating it, as befits the occasion. Our wood decoration, acoustics and architecture blog has reached its 200th post. Two hundred consecutive weeks without fail. The first post dates back to Wednesday, 6 February 2013. It was titled The importance of acoustic conditioning in an office environment, using sound-absorbent wood In fact, from the first post it was clear that one of our main topics would be acoustic conditioning with wood, a branch of architectural acoustics in which we are true specialists. Then came dozens of articles on acoustic panels, acoustic engineering, sound-absorbent wood and also acoustic pictures and islands. We've talked about decorating with wood panels, wood ceilings and inner linings, also made with that lovely material which nature offers and we have come to love. We have written about the different types of wood ceilings used in wood decoration: accessible ceilings and removable ceilings, as well as custom made design ceilings. And we have showcased the wood projects that we have undertaken during the past 4 years. We also manufacture sports furniture so some of our posts have been on items that were perhaps less showy but are equally necessary in some facilities, including phenolic cabins and phenolic lockers. This is also the case with technical doors: acoustic doors, FR doors and fire doors. But not everything is building materials and acoustics. Our blog has also had a space for inspiration and recognition of great masters and we have learned a little more of the work of great architects, such as Alejandro Aravena, Zaha Hadid, Peter Zumthor, Alvar Aalto, Frank Lloyd Wright o Frank Gehry. We hope you enjoyed all that we have told you and keep following us for another 200 weeks. Thank you very much     If you liked this post about our architecture blog you may also be interested in:   - 12 books on acoustic conditioning, acoustic design and architectural acoustics that you mustn’t miss - Spigogroup acoustic engineering materials - 16 posts on wood ceilings, acoustic ceilings, accessible ceilings and removable ceilings - 20 posts you should read on acoustic conditioning, acoustic panels and acoustic ceilings
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