What a tough year! We don’t need to explain it to you. If there is one thing that distinguishes this virus that has plagued us since March, it is that it is global and affects us all without distinction of country, class, race, gender or age. Nor has it managed to differentiate between important and unimportant dates. It has taken away parties, weddings, anniversaries, concerts, trips, professional appointments, sports events… and now it threatens Christmas celebrations as well. But, it’s not going to succeed.
Nothing can take Christmas away. Even if we have to reduce visits to family and friends, keep social distancing and take extreme precautions, Christmas will continue to shine in our hearts, transforming us, making us better.
This year, in addition to suffering for our health and that of our loved ones, and dealing with job and professional uncertainty, we have learned a lot of new words. Words that we would like, at least for a moment, to exchange for others.
That’s why we’re going to replace the terms pandemic, virus, lockdown and PCR with terms like Christmas pudding, joy, decorations and carols. We’ll trade the ambulances for sleds and reindeer, and the ICUs for fireplaces. Instead of counting infections, we will count down to midnight, and replace white coats with red suits.
This year, with more enthusiasm than ever, we will raise our glasses and toast to life and to our loved ones. We will also toast to the jobs and new projects that are yet to arrive. And we will dedicate one last second of recognition to health workers and security forces and those who have taken care of us in recent months.
At Spigogroup, we wish you all a Merry 2020 Christmas.