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mantenimiento de paneles acústicos de madera dest

How to carry out wood acoustic panel maintenance

By Acoustics, Architecture, Construction, Decoración, Decoration

Although wood acoustic panel maintenance is a relatively simple task, it is important to carry it out so that both their sound absorption and aspect remain the same. In this respects, there are two different moments: panel maintenance before installation (of interest to fitters and installers) and their maintenance once they have been installed in their final location:   Wood acoustic panel maintenance before installation. The place where wood acosutic panels are kept should be kept clean, dry and well ventilated. It is essential that panels be protected from humidity and rain, as water absorption can cause deformation. We therefore recommend that the material be unpacked at the time of installation and that the panels be kept for 24 to 48 hours at their final destination before being installed, in order to ensure that they adapt to the environment. Please remember that the original packaging does not protect the material from rain, moisture and impact and that no loads should be placed on top of the material. The place where the panels are installed should be under a roof and not have more than 60% humidity.   Wood acoustic panel maintenance after installation. Dust and dirt on the surface of the panels can be removed using a damp cloth. Never use abrasives or products containing silicone. Any residual moisture on the surface should be thoroughly dried after cleaning to prevent damage. It is imperative that the structure of the panel is not damaged during cleaning.     . If you liked this post about wood acoustic panel maintenance, you may also be interested in:   - 21 Articles on acoustic conditioning and insulation with wood - Ecological panels with SPIGOLINE PET slats: Solid slats or MDF slats? - Restaurant décor: the 3 mistakes you can’t make in 2024 - The importance of acoustics in coliving or cohousing    

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listones de madera decorativos para paredes y techos dest

24 articles about decorative wood slats for walls and ceilings

By Acoustics, Architecture, Construction, Decoration, Noticias

Decorative wood slats for walls and ceilings have featured in many of the most recent articles on our blog. These are the 24 articles that you liked the most: . 1.  6 reasons to install PET decorative wood slats 2.  Cladding with acoustic and decorative wood slats for the new Montepino offices 3.  Decorative wood panels for offices: reviewing a coworking office in Paris 4.   Spigoline linear system decorative wood slats 5.   Ecological panels with SPIGOLINE PET slats: Solid slats or MDF slats? 6.   Installation of solid wood slat cladding using the GRID system 7.   Spigogroup launches new wood slat cladding with PET felt insulation 8.   How to install solid wood slats on walls 9.   Designer ceilings with solid wood slats at Leyre Monastery 10.   The 7 advantages of using ayous wood interior cladding in your Project . . 11.   Spigogroup’s Spigoline brand A+ wood slat cladding 12.  Wood slat panels for office ceiling and wall decoration 13.   The best lead times when buying wood slat cladding 14.   Wood slat false ceilings for wineries: the case of Bodegas Mauro - San Román Bodegas 15.   3 Examples of solid wood slats in winery decoration 16.   Example of a project for the renovation and refurbishment of an entrance foyer in Logroño (La Rioja, Spain) 17.   Sizes for solid wood slats used in ceiling and wall cladding 18.   Conditions for installing Spigoline wood slats 19.   Acoustic wood slats: sizes and models 20.  3 Examples of the use of wood slats in schools . . 21.   Coloured wood slats: options and technical features 22.   Spigoline wood slats for the new Rabat bus station 23.   Sizes and 4 options for linear wood slat cladding 24.   Wood slats in schools: the case of Centro de Estudios Garrigues . . ... ...

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Acondicionamiento acústico para restaurantes, bares y cafeterías DEST

Acoustic conditioning for restaurants, bars and cafes, is it really necessary?

By Acoustics, Architecture, Construction, Decoración, Decoration

Many hoteliers wonder if acoustic conditioning is really necessary for restaurants, bars and cafes. The answer is that it is essential to achieve the pleasant environments that customers demand. In the world of hospitality, ambient noise can be a silent enemy. Many restaurants face the challenge of managing high levels of background noise that affect the quality of their customers' experience. This problem usually arises because of reverberation, the phenomenon in which sound reflects off hard surfaces such as walls, ceilings, and floors. The consequence is a noisy environment where conversations become incomprehensible and diners tend to raise their voices, generating even more noise. The solution: acoustic conditioning for restaurants, bars and cafes. First of all, in a hospitality establishment we must differentiate two types of sounds: direct sound, which comes directly from the acoustic source, and reflected sound, which comes from the rebound of sound from walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, etc. It is the latter that causes reverberation and must be controlled to achieve adequate acoustic comfort. Restaurants are particularly susceptible to this acoustic problem due to the variety of noise sources: the bustle of conversations, the movement of chairs and tables, and the operation of machines, among others. All these sounds can become chaos if you do not have suitable acoustic materials that absorb the sound instead of reflecting it. Incorporating acoustic panels or wood acoustic panels, strategically installed on ceilings and walls, can transform the environment. These panels significantly reduce reverberation, allowing conversations to be kept at a comfortable volume and avoiding annoying echo that amplifies ambient noise. Thus, fatigue and stress are reduced in both clients and employees, promoting a more pleasant, healthy and productive workspace.                 If you liked this post about acoustic conditioning for restaurants, you may also be interested in:     - Request a quotation for acoustic panels and wood panelling - Interior design of hotels: the importance of acoustics in hotel reception areas - The importance of meeting lead times for interior design projects - Wood slat acoustic panels for increased acoustic comfort      

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Revestimiento de listones de madera decorativos para oficinas de Montepino dest

Cladding with acoustic and decorative wood slats for the new Montepino offices

By Acoustics, Acústica, Architecture, Arquitectura, Construcción, Construction, Decoración, Decoration

Today we will review another new example of cladding with decorative wood slats for offices, both for acoustic conditioning and aesthetic reasons. A few years ago, Montepino, one of the largest owners, promoters and operators of logistics real estate in Spain, carried out a comprehensive renovation of the facilities at its headquarters in Zaragoza. Committed to the well-being of both clients and employees, they did not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to install solid wood lath cladding for optimal acoustic conditioning of main work areas. The Spigoline cladding system based on decorative wood slats offered the solutions they needed:   25 m² of Spigoline GRID system wood slat cladding, models 4-30-70-55 and 4-30-35-55 with white tinted finish and standard varnish. Fully assembled panel with 4 parallel solid ayous wood slats, each slat section 30x35 mm, spaced at 55 mm, joined with beech rods 12 mm diameter, panel open area 62,12 % or greater, panel mass per sqm 5,04 kg/m² or lower”   30 m² of Spigoline SOLID system wood slat cladding, model R-8_20_70_55 with PSM R12349 finish. This sound-absorbent, wood slat ceiling, forms grilles of solid Ayous wood laths with a cross-section of 20x50 mm and 70 mm high, placed parallel to each other, with a 55 mm gap between laths, which are nailed to the black-painted top board.     For the entrance area, we also manufactured loose Ayous wood laths with a 30x35 m section, tinted and varnished according to the project requirements.                 If you liked this post about decorative wood slats for offices, you may also be interested in: . - Acoustic panels for exhibition halls, museums and galleries - How wood panels help to achieve VERDE certification - Flexible wood slat cladding: so acoustics does not limit creativity - 3 examples of interior wood cladding for health centres or hospitals  

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