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During these summer days, you might visit large restaurant dining areas or dining rooms in swimming pools where the noise bouncing off large glass windows, in the form of reverberation, makes it impossible to speak without shouting to the person next to you. Imagine this all year round in the dining hall of the school where your children study. This is why the acoustic conditioning of school canteens is so important.

The acoustic conditioning of school canteens is essential for creating a healthy and productive environment for students. One of the most effective methods to improve acoustics in these spaces is the installation of acoustic panels, designed to absorb sound, reducing echo and ambient noise.

High noise levels can cause stress, fatigue, and concentration difficulties, negatively affecting academic performance and behaviour. By reducing noise, acoustic panels create a calmer and more comfortable environment, facilitating better communication and understanding among students. Additionally, if you choose wood acoustic panels, you can add elegance and a natural touch to the design of buildings that typically feature concrete, glass, and brick. If desired, you can even opt for decorative wood panels with coloured finishes or more playful textures.

Finally, the acoustic conditioning of school canteens is crucial for safety. In a noisy dining hall, it is harder for students and staff to hear important announcements or alarm signals, which can be critical in emergency situations. Controlling background noise allows for clearer and more effective communication, enhancing responsiveness to any incidents.


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