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We can see phenolic booths and phenolic lockers in all hospitals and health centres.

Why? What does this type of furniture have to offer to be so extensively used in these buildings?

Phenolic booths, phenolic lockers, benches, screens, countertops and other furniture made with phenolic panel or phenolic boards have a number of features that make them ideal for hospitals, nursing homes and health centres.

In health-services buildings hygiene and cleanliness are of prime importance and phenolic booths and phenolic lockers are built with non-porous materials which are easy to clean and disinfect and, in addition, parasite proof.

Also —and this is a very important and much appreciated, feature— phenolic booths and phenolic lockers are very tough and durable, making them ideally suited for buildings where different types of people make intensive, uninterrupted use of furniture. Phenolic booths and phenolic lockers sare made with stainless steel fittings and phenolic panel is corrosion-resistant, rot-proof and very resistant to bending, impact, scratching and chemicals.

Phenolic booths and phenolic lockers are self-supporting and modular so they can be relocated from one room to another with relative ease and they can be adapted to the dimensions of each room without having to undertake masonry work. Versatility coupled with toughness makes phenolic lockers and phenolic booths the most extensively used type of long-lasting furniture in hospitals or health centres.

Spigocompac is the division of Spigogroup which manufactures furniture and here you can consult and download its offer in phenolic lockers, phenolic boothsand other pieces of furniture manufactured withphenolic panel and phenolic boards.


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