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Fire and humidity performance of wood accessible ceilings 02The versatility of wood accessible ceilings is undisputed (easy replacement of panels, fast access to facilities, acoustic absorption, variety of finishes,...) but what not everyone knows is that the fire and humidity performance of wood accessible ceilings is extraordinary.

Normally one chooses wood for ceilings in search of the quality and elegant look that only wood can provide. That is why it can be found in the design ceilings of hotels, theatres, universities, auditoriums and other non-residential buildings. However, the treatments applied today to the wood used to manufacture wood ceilings provide fire and water resistance which is similar to, or even better than, that used in other materials

- Resistance to humidity: There is no ceiling capable of withstanding a constant flow of water but we can guarantee that wood accessible ceilings presented an excellent performance to the swelling that may occur in humid environments, extending life and improving the safety of roofs.

- Resistance to mildew and bacteria: Good performance against humidity delays the appearance of mildew and makes it harder for bacteria and other micro-organisms to make their appearance. This makes for easier cleaning and improves the hygiene of those accessible ceilings that include air conditioning, which is often the case.

- Fire resistance: Spigotec Wood accessible ceilings are available with fire-retardant properties when a project requires it to comply with European regulations according to the UNE-EN-ISO13501-1. Of course it doesn't mean that they will not burn, but their fire performance is quite good and help contain fires, protecting the structure of the building to a certain extent.


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