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After several months implementing various revisions and improvements, we can finally present our new Optimum Reverberation Time Simulator, an indispensable online tool for any professional needing to undertake acoustic conditioning work.

Reverberation is the permanence of sound beyond the time required to properly hear and understand a message. Explained in a more technical manner, “reverberation time” is the time it takes for the sound to decay by 60 dB as received stood the sound emission source stops. In short, it is an annoying acoustic effect, even more so in rooms intended for listening to music or speeches: theatres, meeting rooms, auditoriums, halls, recording studios, offices, etc.

When reverberation time is too long, there is an annoying acoustic effect which is corrected by acoustic conditioning with acoustic panels. But, how do you know the reverberation time of a room? How do know what the optimum reverberation time should be?

That is where Spigogroup’s Optimum Reverberation Time Calculator comes into play.

You enter the dimensions of the room, the type of material used in the walls, ceiling and floor (with the option of testing Spigoacustic and Spigotec acoustic panels) and the furniture used and the online Optimum Reverberation Time (ORT) Calculator will yield the following results:


  • Average Low Frequency absorption coefficient
  • Online calculator - Optimum Reverberation Time (ORT) SimulatorAverage Medium Frequency absorption coefficient
  • Average High Frequency absorption coefficient
  • Acoustic Brightness index
  • Acoustic Warmth index
  • Optimum Reverberation Time range
  • Reverberation Time estimated according to the RT60 SABINE formula
  • Reverberation Time estimated according to the RT60 EYRING-NORRIS formula
  • Reverberation Time estimated according to the RT60 MILLINGTON-SETTE formula
  • Comparative graph of estimated reverberation times according to the three formulas above.


Finally, the Spigogroup Optimum Reverberation Time (ORT) Simulator can send you the results to your e-mail address in PDF format.




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