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The so-called phenolic cabins for changing rooms are those small cubicles installed in changing rooms to allow users to change clothes in privacy.

They are usually one of the elements of sports furniture always present in swimming pools, gyms, spas, fitness centres and similar facilities. Alongside phenolic lockers, phenolic benches and phenolic partitions, phenolic cabins for changing rooms comprise the range of furniture which is specially designed and built for humid environments. The reason is that they are made with phenolic panel, a material which is particularly resistant to moisture.

002 Cabinas fenólicas para vestuarios Phenolic cabins for changing rooms Cabines phénoliques pour vestiairesThe designs of phenolic cabins are limited by the space available and, when considering their dimensions, there is always the dilemma of offering a greater number of cubicles or, conversely, reducing their number to increase the size of each and thus offering more convenience to users.

At Spigocompac we provide advice for projects and design cubicles to client dimensions if required, offering various finishes and fixtures. Spigocompac phenolic cabins for changing rooms come in green, yellow, blue, red, grey and white finishes but, if the project requires it, we can also manufacture them in other colours on request. The most common fixtures supplied include stainless steel doorknobs, supports, locking handles with release and sliding doors systems.

If you want to know more about the sizes and configurations available we invite you to read our post “Spigocompac Phenolic cabins – Types and Technical Specifications” or visit the Spigocompac page on phenolic cabins for changing rooms.



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