Wood slats offer a decorative added value on walls and wooden ceilings in any project.
It is not unusual to discover wood projects finished with wood slats at certain points which are considered aesthetically important, those which receive and welcome visitors to a building: entrance halls, reception areas, hallways, auditoriums and meeting rooms, etc.
In 2015, the European Agency OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market) undertook the project of expansion of its headquarters in Alicante, with a new office building, an auditorium and a new reception and welcome area, which required using materials which comply with the highest sustainable development standards. They wanted some areas to have a warm and welcoming ambiance which would be both beautiful beautiful and elegant, and resorted to the use wood slats by Spigoline, the brand of Spigogroup devoted to the manufacture of wood slats for decoration and construction.
For this project Spigoline Grid System wood slats were used with a ceiling mounting clip installation system. The chosen model of wood slats was the 6-30-35-30 which has 6 30 mm wide wood slats and a separation of 30 mm between slats. The grids are 35 mm high, 360 mm¡ wide and 3000 mm long. The wood slats were finished in solid obeche wood stained with flame retardant B-s2, d0 varnish.
Photos of the wood slats used in the first phase of the extension of the headquarters of the OHIM European Agency in Alicante