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Shigeru Ban’s interior ceilings offer incredible surprises. Those who have the opportunity to visit some of the buildings of this famous Japanese architect and 2014 Priztker Prize winner immediately discover a world of cardboard and wood that defies the conventional.

Although Shigeru Ban is also known for his efforts in creating shelters for victims of natural disasters such as the 2011 Japan earthquake or the 2013 Sri Lanka tsunami, he is also the author of iconic buildings. Below we show five key projects by Shigeru Ban where interior ceilings show novel structures and evocative wood fabrics.


Centre Pompidou-Metz

This annex to the Pompidou Centre, designed by Shigeru Ban in 2010, sports a structure consisting of a wood ceiling that forms a hexagon, a geometrical figure with a special meaning for the French as they consider it symbolises their country because as it has an analogous shape.

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Villa Vista

In this house built in Sri Lanka after the 2010 tsunami, Shigeru Ban uses teak wood interior ceilings woven into a wicker pattern.

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Aspen Art Museum

The building features an impressive wood façade with basket-like braiding.

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Nueve Puentes Country Club

Here, the architect projected graceful columns of laminated wood that open to the sky in a radial arrangement, rising vertically and curling to achieve horizontality on the plane of the roof forming design ceilings in a hexagonal grid.

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Tamedia Office Building

For the headquarters of the Swiss Tamedia company in Zurich, Shigeru Ban chose wood for its spectacular structural system because it is a renewable material and the one with the lowest carbon footprint in the construction process.

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